
A'ang Subiyakto
NIP/NIDN 197602192007101002
Field of Science Social Computing, Human-Computer Interaction
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Abdul Muthalib
Field of ScienceImage Processing, Visual Computing, and Machine Learning
Email[email protected]
PublicationsScopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Asep Fajar Firmansyah

Asep Fajar Firmansyah, MTI

NIP/NIDN 308088006
Field of Science Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Graph
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Bayu Waspodo
NIP/NIDN 197408122008011011
Field of Science Business Process Management, Process Science, Digital Transformation & Innovation
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Elsy Rahajeng
NIP/NIDN 197411232023212007
Field of Science Knowledge Management, Human Computer Interaction, Social Computing
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Elvi Fetrina
NIP/NIDN 197406252009012005
Field of Science IT and Management, Organizational Performance and Optimization
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Eri Rustamaji
NIP/NIDN 196408022023211001
Field of Science Geographic Information Systems
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Eva Khudzaeva
NIP/NIDN 198310062023212024
Field of Science Geographic Information Systems
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Evy Nurmiati
NIP/NIDN 197802152014112003
Field of Science Knowledge Management, Human Computer Interaction
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
NIP/NIDN 197909232009122006
Field of Science IT Governance, Enterprise Architecture
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Meinarini Catur Utami
NIP/NIDN 197805052011012009
Field of Science Science Management, Decision Support Systems, Organizational Performance, Social Computing
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Sinta
M Nur Gunawan
NIP/NIDN 197912062023211005
Field of Science Data Mining and Machine Learning
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
M Qomarul
NIP/NIDN 196704122003121001
Field of Science IT Innovation Adoption and Implementation, Digital Transformation, Organizational Performance
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Nia Kumaladewi
NIP/NIDN 197504122007102002
Field of Science Information Technology and Management
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Nidaul Hasanati
Field of ScienceInformation Technology and Management, Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence
Email[email protected]
Web of Science,
Google Scholar,
Nur Aeni
NIP/NIDN 197508182005012008
Field of Science Information Technology and Management, Digital Transformation, IT Innovation Adoption and Implementation
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
NIP/NIDN 196711282023211003
Field of Science Software Engineering, Data Processing
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
NIP/NIDN 197607152011011005
Field of Science MIS, Database System, Data Mining, Computasi Social Science
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Qurrotul Aini
NIP/NIDN 197303252009012001
Field of Science Artificial Intelligence, Business Intelligence, Social Computing
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Rinda Hesti
NIP/NIDN 198109292009122002
Field of Science Information Technology and Management, Human Computer Interaction, Digital Transformation
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Sarip Hidayatullah
Field of ScienceDatabase
Email[email protected]
Google Scholar,
Suci Ratnawati
NIP/NIDN 196907062023212007
Field of Science IT Governance, IT Service Management, Social Computing
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
NIP/NIDN 196801172001121001
Field of Science E-government
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Yuni Sugiarti
NIP/NIDN 197306062023212009
Field of Science Software Engineering, Information Technology and Management
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
Yusuf Durachman
NIP/NIDN 197105222006041002
Field of Science Information Management, Entrepreneurship
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta
Zainul Arham
NIP/NIDN 197407302007101002
Field of Science GIS, Image Processing, and Software Engineering
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta, Orcid
NIP/NIDN 197001302005011003
Field of Science Information Technology and Management
Email [email protected]
Publications Scopus, Google Scholar, Sinta