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Tracer Study of Information Systems Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
The following are the results of the tracer study survey from the Information Systems Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, which provides a valuable insight into the success of alumni from 2018 to 2023.
- Information Search Time: More than three-quarters of alumni, 77.9%, had already searched for their career information less than 6 months before graduation. Only a small percentage chose not to look for work immediately after graduation.
- Waiting Time for First Job: The majority of alumni, 84.7%, managed to get their first job within 6 months after graduation. This shows the level of readiness and competitiveness of Information Systems graduates in the job market.
- Income Range: The majority of alumni, 74.8%, were able to earn an income higher than the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR). This shows the added value and relevance of their study program in the working world.
- Current Workplace: The majority of alumni work in private companies, with a percentage of 74.2%. This shows that there are ample opportunities in the private sector for Information Systems graduates.
- Type of Company/Institution: The majority of alumni work in private companies, showing a tendency to pursue a career in the private sector as the main choice.
- Current Field of Work: The majority of alumni work as developers, followed by data and quality assurance, and UI/UX. This shows the tendency of graduates to be involved in the development and management of information technology.
- Relevance of Study Program to Field of Work: The majority of alumni feel a close relationship between their study program and their field of work, both very close and close. This shows that the curriculum of the Information Systems Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has successfully prepared alumni well for the industry.
The tracer study of the Information Systems Study Program provides a clear picture of the success of alumni and the relevance of their study program in the working world.
Partners & Academic Associations
The Information Systems Department of UIN Jakarta values the Triple Helix collaboration between university, government, and industry for its role in driving innovation, enhancing research, and fostering real-world applications.